North Doodle Co


Animal drawing

MA journey, SketchbookJess MahyComment

These are pages from my sketchbook that are exploring drawing animals on the move from video footage. A lot of these drawings are attempts at getting the position and shape of the animal before they move again and as you can see some were more successful than others. Even though these drawings are not the best, drawing animals on the move definitely develops the hand eye co-ordination for drawing as well as memory drawing.


Drawing in York

MA journey, SketchbookJess MahyComment

Having illustrators you can meet up with and draw outside together is the perfect way to spend an afternoon. In the summer when the covid restrictions had relaxed a little a couple of friends and I drew in the museums gardens and had a little picnic type lunch it was very nice and very therapeutic.


Drawing in the rain

Sketchbook, MA journeyJess MahyComment

Helen Stephens is the queen of drawing in the rain and making fabulous drawings, I am not. Unfortunately a combination of completely saturated paper, water soluble materials and lack of experience created some unsuccessful illustrations. However, as a positive I do enjoy the texture that the rain drops create on the page. Maybe more soggy drawing adventures are needed to create carefree images and a bit more practice!

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Sketching from film

MA journey, SketchbookJess Mahy1 Comment

These pages of my sketchbook show a combination of drawings from different films. I was experimenting with drawing thumbnails of scenes as the film was playing as well as pausing the film and setting timers to work on tone. I really enjoyed the thumbnails as it helped me work on moving from just observation to memory drawing.

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